- Association CJC (Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs): Confederation of Junior researchers bringing together the associations of junior researchers in France. https://cjc.jeunes-chercheurs.org/
- Association DynAMU: association of junior researchers and alumni PhDs of the Aix-Marseille University. http://dynamu.fr/
- Association JSM3: association of junior researchers in microbiology. https://www.jsm3congress.fr/
- Ecole Doctorale ED SVS 62: Doctoral School related to Hippo’Thèse supporting our events. https://ecole-doctorale-62.univ-amu.fr/
- AMU FSDIE: funding instance of the AMU supporting the events of Hippo’Thèse. https://www.univ-amu.fr/
- ImCheck Therapeutics: company in immunology sponsoring the Hippo’Thèse Day 2021. https://www.imchecktherapeutics.com/