Note: some information are specific to the ED62 of AMU.
During your PhD, you will have to follow at least 100 hours of trainings, whose 50h in “science” (how to write a thesis, scientific summer schools, conferences…) and 50h in “professional trainings” (everything else). A lot of things can be considered as a training (even the driving licence!) and there are no difficulties to have more than 100h after 3 years.
The Doctoral College (DC) is the university institution in charge of the doctoral trainings which are common to the whole university. The selection and the registration to a training is done on a platform called “ADUM” where you also perform the registration to the university, the application to your PhD defense…
A lot of trainings are really interesting and can bring you a lot. Do not hesitate to register and ask around you about the quality of a training, as they often come back every year. Remember also that a training is VERY expensive and it will be difficult to follow them after your PhD, so take advantage of these free trainings!
The Doctoral School (DS) provides few trainings, but most of the cross-discipline trainings are provided by the DC. However, if you want to add a training you did to your list of validated trainings (your portfolio), but which was not on ADUM, you have to ask to the DS to verify it. The form is available on your ADUM account.
Two trainings are mandatory in the AMU and the ED62: integrity and ethics in research. More could be mandatory if you are registered to a PhD program.
Note: the science societies (associations of researchers for a given field) and research organisms (CNRS, INSERM…) also provide specific trainings or a funding to go to a training. Don’t hesitate to take a look!