Confederation of Junior Researchers

The Confederation of Junior Researchers (“Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs (CJC)” in French) is a national association whose the members are local and thematic associations of junior researchers, such as Hippo’Thèse. The association members send their delegates to take part in the life of CJC.

The CJC aims to represent and defend the junior researchers at the national and European level, defined as the doctoral candidates and anyone who followed a PhD, up to 5 years after its end. In particular, the main topic is to recognize the junior researchers as professional research workers. Thereby:

  • their are especially workers, not students;
  • they must be payed and work in correct conditions;
  • the PhD project is only a step in a carrer, not a final goal, and thus completing a full-time in more than 3 years is not justified.

These are few examples of the ground positions of CJC members. To defend these positions, the CJC volunteers:

  • work on thematic projects to gain in expertise;
  • prepare press releases about issues or proposals;
  • talk with the government, deputies and journalists;
  • suggest more detailed positions;
  • strengthen the network of junior researcher associations.

The volunteers work by topics and have monthly meetings. Moreover, there are 3 national meetings each year.

You can find more about CJC activities here and positions here.

If you are interested in joining the CJC, please contact Hippo’Thèse or DynAMU!